- - - D/E- - -

amo ergo sum

SLING SHOT ACTION, Nordstadt-Galerie-Kollektiv, Wuppertal


In an ironic Genesis, I, in the role of a double-headed snake, attack Adam and Eve (two sex-dolls made of rubber) with a slingshot made of a forked godemich with a vibrating handle. On playback I offer various sex toys to both Adam and Eve, promising them that their use will allow them to gain new insights and will fulfil their deepest desires and most secret wishes. I dance with them until they slowly slide to the floor just like empty shells. With my last ounce of strength I finally write a love letter on the wall, expressing my fears and desires.
Photos: Reinhold Bertlmann

Translation: Hedi Pfennigbauer, Margarethe Clausen, out of
Let’s twist again: Historische und aktuelle Positionen der Performance in Österreich,
Carola Dertnig, Stefanie Seibold (Hg), DeA-Verlag, 2006